ผศ.ดร.ภาสุ พูนภักดี

ผศ.ดร.ภาสุ พูนภักดี
Asst.Prof.Dr. Pasu Poonpakdee
· Ph.D. (Computer Science)
University of Reading, UK
· MSc (Software Engineering) University of Portsmouth, UK
· วศ.บ. (วิศวกรรมซอฟต์แวร์และความรู้) มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
Research Interest
· Software Application for Industrial
· Industry 4.0
· Blockchain Technology
· Epidemic (Gossip) Protocols
· Extreme-Scale Network Systems
โทรศัพท์: 02-329-8339
Email: pasu.po@kmitl.ac.th Publications
[1] Poonpakdee, P., Koiwanit, J., Yuangyai, C., Chatwiriya, W. (2018). Applying epidemic algorithm for financial service based on Blockchain technology, in The Fourth International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST2018). July 4-7, 2018, Phuket, Thailand.
[2] Poonpakdee, P., Koiwanit, J., Yuangyai, C. (2018). Epidemic Algorithms on Distributed Systems Towards Industry 4.0, in The 21st International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC 2017). November 15-18, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
[3] Poonpakdee, P., Koiwanit, J. (2018). Accuracy of Distributed Systems Towards Industry 4.0: Smart Grids and Urban Drainage Systems Case Studies, in International Journal of GEOMATE, 14(43), 70-76.
[4] Poonpakdee, P., Koiwanit, J., Yuangyai, C. (2017). Accuracy of Centralized and Decentralized manufacturing systems towards an Industry 4.0’s perspective, in The Third International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE-USQ). November 12-17, 2017, Brisbane, Australia.
[5] Poonpakdee, P., Suksangpunya, N. (2017). Epidemic Convergence Detection in Decentralized Network Systems towards Industry 4.0, in International Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology (ISMAC 2017). August 23-25, 2017, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya, Thailand.
[6] Poonpakdee, P., Di Fatta, G. (2017). Robust and Efficient Membership Management in Large-Scale Dynamic Networks, in Future Generation Computer Systems, 75 (2017), pp. 85-93
[7] Poonpakdee, P., Koiwanit, J., Yuangyai, C. (2017). Decentralized Network Building Change in Large Manufacturing Companies towards Industry 4.0,in Procedia Computer Science of the 14th Int. Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC’17), vol. 110, pp. 46 - 53, 2017.
[8] Poonpakdee, P. (2016). Epidemic Aggregation without Membership Management in Undesired Topology, in International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2016 (ICET 2016), Oct.2016, Japan.
[9] Poonpakdee, P., Di Fatta, G. (2014). Expander Graph Quality Optimisation in Randomised Communication, in ICDM Workshops, IEEE, pp. 597 - 604.
[10] Poonpakdee, P., Di Fatta, G. (2015). Expansion Quality of Epidemic Protocols, in 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing 2014, ser. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, vol. 570, pp. 291–300.
[11] Poonpakdee, P., Di Fatta, G. (2015), Connectivity Recovery in Epidemic Membership Protocols, in IDCS, Springer, pp. 177 - 189.
[12] Poonpakdee, P., Orhon, N. G., Di Fatta, G. (2013), Convergence Detection in Epidemic Aggregation, in Euro-Par Workshops, Springer, pp. 292 - 300.